Catalogue 126 is here!

M.r James Gillray. From a miniature painted by himself & Engraved by Cha.s Turner. London, Published april 19 1819 by G.Humphrey, 27 S.t James's Street. Mezzotint, plate: 300 x 395mm (12 x 15½"), with very large margins, on 19th century watermarked paper. Oval head and shoulders portrait of caricaturist and printmaker James Gillray (1757-1815). State with title in thick and thin letters, and all inscriptions engraved within border of horizontal and vertical lines surrounding image. Whitman 1907: 224.II. [Ref: 60043 ] £380.00 We are pleased to present our special listing Catalogue 126! It contains over 170 items focusing on 18th century decorative stipples and mezzotints . Lots coming from the collection of the Oettingen-Wallerstein family. It features the following subjects: Portraits Satire Natural History Military and Naval Mythol...