Grosvenor prints is now closed until 10am 3rd January!

Season's Greetings! Grosvenor prints is now closed for a well deserved Christmas break. We're back 10am Tuesday 3rd January 2023 . If you want anything reserving over our Christmas Holiday you can place an order; it'll reserve it on our website automatically and you won't be charged; just follow up with an email with your questions and we'll get back to you in 2023. Happy Holidays! A Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year in London. [&] The Same to you_Sir,_ & Many of E'm._ M.E. Esq.r [M. Egerton] del. G.Hunt, sc. London, Published by Thos. M.c.Lean, 26 Haymarket, 1827. Pair of hand-coloured aquatints with etching. Each sheet: 260 x 320mm (10 x 12½"). Some slight damage to sheet. A pair of English satirical prints: a man and women, both carrying umbrellas, fighting their way through a blizzard on the streets of London. Hickman p.60. [Ref: 40213 ] £640.00 ...