
Showing posts from June, 2024

๐ŸŒž Summer Selection: Catalogue 138! ๐ŸŒž

Cover image: [George Frideric Handel, Johann Sebastian Bach, Giuseppe Tartini, Johann Joachim Quantz, Christoph Gluck and Niccolรฒ Jommelli.] [n.d., c.1780.] £1350 Stock Ref: 62576   We are pleased to present our latest summer listing: Catalogue 138. It contains slightly over 200 items including: Music Portraits Mezzotints Decorative Items Views UK Views Overseas Americana Ephemera Science Napoleonic Items Military Naval Satire Sports and Pastimes Natural History.  A couple of highlights:   S.t James's Park. [&] A Tea Garden. Painted by G. Morland. Engraved by F.D. Soirson. London Publish'd Jan.y 1790, by T. Gaugain, N.ยบ 9 Manor Street, Chelsea. £1100 Stock Ref: 63332   [Five plates from Nieuhof] Nanking. [&] Kanton. [&] [Porcelain Tower, Nanjing.] [&] Peking. [&] Prospect of the Inner Court of the Emperours Palace at Pekin. [1 & 2 by Francis Place, 3-6 by Wenceslaus Hollar] [London: John Ogilby, 1673.] £900 Stock Ref: 63516   View the whole catalogue