Catalogue 127: God Save the King! Out now.

[George IV] The King seated in St Edward's Chair Crowned by the Archbishop of Canterbury. July 1821. Figures by J. Stephanoff. Architecture by Aug.s Pugin. F.C. Lewis, Sculpsit. [London Published as the Act directs Jan.y 1824 by Sir George Nayler, Garter.] Aquatint, printed in colours and hand finished. Sheet 420 x 560mm (16½ x 22"). Trimmed to plate, laid on card at borders. The interior of Westminster Abbey during the coronation of George IV, with the crown about to be placed on his head. From Sir G. Nayler's "The Coronation of His Most Sacred Majesty King George the Fourth, solemnized in the Collegiate Church of Saint Peter Westminster upon the Nineteenth Day of July MDCCCXXI'. Nayler only published two of the five proposed parts (1823 & 1827); it was completed by George Henry Bohn and issued in 1837. [Ref: 60455 ] We are pleased to p...