Catalogue 118 is out now!

Cover image: Fête du Sacre et Couronnement de Leurs Majestés Imperials. Vue de la Décoration elevée en face de la Place de Grève de l'autre cote de la rivière, à l'occasion de la Fête donnée à leurs Majestés, par la Ville de Paris. Le Cour del. et sculp. [Paris, 1806.] Scarce aquatint with hand colour. Sheet 440 x 330mm (17¼ x 13"). Trimmed within plate, repairs in inscription area with loss of text including publication line. A view of a fireworks display held on the Place de Grève (now Place de l'Hôtel-de-Ville) to celebrate Napoleon's coronation in 1804. To symbolise Napoleon's crossing of the Alps in 1799, an artificial Mont St Bernard was built on the Place de Grève (a square where public executions were carried out). Troops march up the 'mountain', on which is a huge figure of Napoleon on a rearing white horse, based on David's famous painting. An illuminated warship sits on the ...