
Showing posts from May, 2021

Etching VS engraving?

What is the difference between an etching and an engraving? Similarities Etching and engraving are both examples of intaglio printing. Intaglio printing is the technique in which a surface is scratched into then ink is put onto the plate and wiped away only leaving the ink in the recesses. Identifying intaglio prints: Plate mark: most intaglio prints will have a tell-tale plate mark, an indentation in the paper from the plate being pressed. Raised ink levels: You may be able to physically feel and visibly see the ink above the paper, especially in the darker areas where more ink is applied. Varying tone within a line : Due to the varying levels of ink applied, the tone along an intaglio line or mark can vary, meaning it can become darker or lighter. Engraving An example of an engraving:       The Rules Banner or A compleat Ensign of the Arms of the University of Oxford and of all the Colleges therein: to which are Added those of Winchester, Sion & Westminster. also...

Catalogue 108 is out now!

  Napoleon Buonaparte. F. Gerard Pinx.t. W. Bromley Sculp.t. I.G. Murray Fecit. Pub.d by R. Bowyer, 1825. Engraving. Sheet 515 x 370mm (20½ x 14½"). Tears taped, cracks in image. A portrait of Napoleon Bonaparte in his coronation robes by François GĂ©rard (1770-1837), whose painting is now in Versailles. This is a copy of the important 1808 etching by Auguste Gaspard Louis Boucher Desnoyers (1779-1857) personally comissioned by Napoleon, for which Desnoyers is said to have been paid 2000 livres, as well as the right to sell his own prints after 600 impressions had been printed. [Ref: 55834 ]  Catalogue 108 in celebration of the 200th anniversary of Napoleon's death! This large listing of over 450 items contains; portraits of Napoleon and others , battle scenes , Waterloo , Views Overseas including political scenes of Napoleon, Saint Helena , Ephemera , Broadsides , Satire and a few dec...

The Life of Napoléon Bonaparte in prints

  A small time line of  the life of Napoleon Bonaparte; this is by no means a complete history or the entirety of our Napoleonic stock, just an illustration of some of prints that we have to offer.   August 15, 1769: ·Napoleon Bonaparte was born in Ajaccio, Corsica.   [Birth of Napoleon.] Naissance de Bonaparte [in ms below]. [Anon., c.1810] Etching with hand-colouring, 80 x 80mm (3 x 3"). Trimmed to image and glued to backing sheet. [Ref: 40365 ]  May 17, 1779: ·Napoleon begins study at the royal military academy.   Enfance de Napoleon. Napoleon naguit Ă  Ajaccio le 15 AoĂ»t 1769... Lith. de Jobert [after Horace Vernet]. [n.d., c.1825.] Lithograph. Printed area 185 x 200mm (7ÂĽ x 8"). Foxing.Napoleon Bonaparte marshalling a snowball battle at his school. [Ref: 55796 ] June 13, 1793: ·Accused of being too pro-French, Napoleon and his family flee their household in Corsica...