Our Satire Catalogue 103 is out now!

Cover image : [Mrs Jordan] Lubber's-hole, -alias- The Crack'd Jordan. [Ref: 54605 ] For more royal satire click here In these ever changing times, we have pleasure in offering our customers and friends a new listing of over 300 images of satire. Notable artists include Gillray , Cruikshank , Bunbury , Darly , Davison , Woodward , Hogarth and both the Heath 's, William and Henry . From 18th century onwards satirical images were a way of bringing scandal and amusement to the general public on a daily basis - nothing has changed! We hope you enjoy the content. We are still open in a very empty central London, but by appointment only. We look forward to seeing you in Covent Garden. Our long awaited special Catalogue 100 will be online from November 18th, 2020. Happy browsing and keep healthy, Nigel, Henrietta, Sasha and Jenny . Browse the full catalogue here or on issu here A few highlights: ...