40th Anniversary Catalogue

Just in case you missed it our new listing for the is here! This catalogue celebrates Grosvenor Prints trading in Covent Garden for 40 years. It contains over 100 interesting & curious items, contains a selection of satire , UK & foreign topography , portraits , natural history , sports and pastimes , decorative scenes and of course ephemera . We have a few highlights we think are worth bringing to your attention. See below for some images to whet your appetite: [Printer] 1891-2. Christmas Cards and New Year Cards. A Very Large Assortment on Sale, consisting of Choice New Designs, including Hand-Painted, Ivorine, Satin, and other Novelties, From 1d. to 1/6 each. Really Good Value. Geo, Mills, (established 1857) Manufacturing and Export Stationer, Lithographer & Printer, 3, Old Jewry, London, E.C. [1891]. Tinted lithograph of five colours. Sheet 240 x 330mm (9½ x 13"). A little staining...