Our August Listing is here!

Satire is here. It's that time again and our August listing is up and ready to go! This time we have focussed purely on satire. With familiar faces within the catalogue including Rowlandson, Gillray and Cruikshank, we are sure you will find something of your liking. Below are just a couple of highlights from this listing. Elements of Skating This playful set of four, is finely coloured series of etchings after James Gillray around 1809. Depicting the fun times spent on the Ice in London, it has contemporary step by step take on how to Ice Skate. £690.00 [ Ref: 52335 ] The European Race Heat The European Race heat is a showcase of the anthropomorphic countries rallying into line due to the unwillingness of Walpole's Government to go to war. This was one of his main policies of his 20 years as Prime Minister. The engraving has been trimmed to the plate and the paper has an 18th century wat...