Selected Artists Continued

John Webber and Captain James Cook. A fantastic new display at the National Maritime Museum, ‘ The Art & Science of Exploration, 1768-80 ’, is ‘an exhibition of exceptional paintings, prints and drawings by specially commissioned artists on Captain Cook’s 18th-century voyages of discovery. These works influenced forever how the European public saw the Pacific’. James Cook. [Ref: 4577 ] £140.00 Another featured artist in our new catalogue is John Webber (1751-93) who travelled with Captain Cook on his Third Voyage (1776-80)on board HMS Resolution as the Official Artist of the expedition, even recording the explorer's death at the hand of Hawaiian natives. [Hawaii] An Inland View, in Atooi. [Ref: 34290 ] £360.00 In 1776, Webber's work at an exhibition caught the eye of Daniel Solander, a botanist on Cook's first voyage. Solander knew that the Admiralty was still looking for a suitable expedition artist for Cook's f...