The Times of Day

Sets of prints showing the times of day: morning, noon, evening and night. This 17th century set was published in Antwerp, then one of the major print-publishing centres. It focuses on a woman's activities throughout the day: [Four Times Of Day] Mart. vanden Enden execudit Antwerpiae. Set of four engravings. 203 x 292mm. The composition depicts female figures in contemporary dress engaged in 17th century occupations and pastimes. Martin van den Enden. A publisher and printmaker from Antuwerp, flourishing 1630 - 1645. Most associated with works after Van Dyck. [Ref: 7046] £950 Unlike the scenes in van der Enden's set, which maintain a compositional conformity (the woman is stood in the middle of each scene), a set by Bonnart shows more diversity. In this set midday is represented by eating, and evening by sleeping: [Times of Day] Le Matin [&] Le Midy. [&] La pres disner. [&] Le ...