Catalogue 118 is out now!


 Cover image:

Fête du Sacre et Couronnement de Leurs Majestés Imperials. Vue de la Décoration elevée en face de la Place de Grève de l'autre cote de la rivière, à l'occasion de la Fête donnée à leurs Majestés, par la Ville de Paris.
Le Cour del. et sculp.
[Paris, 1806.]
Scarce aquatint with hand colour. Sheet 440 x 330mm (17¼ x 13"). Trimmed within plate, repairs in inscription area with loss of text including publication line.
A view of a fireworks display held on the Place de Grève (now Place de l'Hôtel-de-Ville) to celebrate Napoleon's coronation in 1804. To symbolise Napoleon's crossing of the Alps in 1799, an artificial Mont St Bernard was built on the Place de Grève (a square where public executions were carried out). Troops march up the 'mountain', on which is a huge figure of Napoleon on a rearing white horse, based on David's famous painting. An illuminated warship sits on the Seine and a crowd watches from the far bank of the river.
[Ref: 58265]   £390.00    

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We are pleased to presentCatalogue 118!

This listing of just under 200 items contains:Portraits including mezzotints.
Decorative items.
Views UK including Wales and Spa's.
Overseas views.
Military & Naval.
Sports and Pastimes.
Natural History.
Ephemera including medical items.

This catalogue also contains a good selection of prints by female artists and engravers.

View the whole catalogue here! 

Some highlights:


[Complete set of seven plates of the Coronation of Emperor Charles VI.]
[Engraved by Gottlieb Heiss after Peter Schubert von Ehrenberg et al.
[Vienna, Ignaz Dominikus Voigt, 1712.]
Set of seven mezzotints. Ea. c.420 x 280mm (16½ x 11"). Thread margins. Some mezzotints with slight damage and loss.
The allegoricial title frontispiece and six plates from Paul Christoph Schlüter's 'Divinae Providentiae cura singularis in erigenda, Conservanda, Augendaque Augustissima Domo Habspurgo-Austriaca Augustissimo Romanor. Imperatori Carolo Sexto', celebrating the grandure of the Hapsburgs as Charles VI was crowned emperor in 1712. After being a contender for the throne of Spain during the War of the Spanish Succession, Charles was crowned emperor in 1712. His death in 1740 led to the War of the Austrian Succession. Plate Gloria & Divitiae has Incas? presenting jewels and other gifts.
[Ref: 58591]   £800.00 


A View of Pigeon Island & part of St. Lucia, Taken March 25th 1780, at Eleven oClock AM.
Drawn from Nature by Lieut. Chas. Forrest late of the 90 Reg.t. Engraved by Fran.s Chesham.
Published as the Act directs March 10 1784, by W. Faden Corner of St Martin's Lane, Charing Cross.
Scarce aquatint with etching printed in sepia, fine 18th century watermark. 300 x 510mm (11¾ x 20"), large margins.
A view of British warships at St. Lucia, with a flag on Signal Hill on Pigeon Island (now joined to mainland by a causeway). Admiral Rodney made Pigeon Island his base, building Fort Rodney, because he could see the French navy on Martinique from Signal Hill. A month after Forrest drew this view Rodney fought the Battle of Martinique (17the April 1780). From the rare series 'Twelve Views of the Island of Saint Lucia' by Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Ramus Forrest (1750 - 1827). He was a British military officer who served in India, the West Indies, and on the staff of the Earl of Dalhousie, Governor in Chief of Canada, from 1821 to 1823. Although an accomplished amateur artist, Forrest's professional performance did not live up to Dalhousie's expectations and he was dismissed. He returned to England in 1823. His best known work is probably 'A Picturesque Tour along the Rivers Ganges and Jumna', 1824.
Parker: Not in.
[Ref: 58264]   £650.00

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 The Root of King's Evil NB, To Cure of y.e Constitution of this Evil, y.e Axe must be laid to y.e Root,
Designed by an Amateur [possibley Captain Frederick Marryat] - G Cruik.k fec.t
Pub.d Jan.y 1820 by G Humphrey 27 S.t James's S.t London.
Very scarce hand coloured etching, sheet Trimmed within plate.
A clerical magistrate sits in his library, stunned at the apparition of 'a Radical', an imp whose limbs are gnarled and forked roots. A large book is open on a book-rest: 'Etymology—Radical—ex Radix, is a root—& Color is heat, anger Strife—q.d. The Root of all Strife.' The imp who stands poised on the rim of an inverted Cap of Liberty resting on clouds of smoke; he supports himself between two pikes which project, slanting outwards, from the cap; on one is the bleeding head of a bishop, on the other a royal crown, broken. The second pike serves as staff to a tricolour flag bordered with black and inscribed: 'Blood! Blood!! Blood!!!! Reform & Plunder Watson Thistlewood Preston Hooper, Waddington Harrison-Hunt Pearson Wood Waithman Parkins &c &c—Cobbet, Carlile, Tom Paine, Burdett little Hobb [Hobhouse], Death & the Devil—No King No, God.' This pike-shaft is thrust through a dilapidated 'Magna Charta' whose seal falls off; the other transfixes a tattered 'Holy Bible', from which flutters a page headed 'St Mark'. The parson, interrupted in his reading, holds his spectacles, and stares at the imp, saying: "In the Name of Satan, What—Imp, are you, & where was you-hatched?!!!—" The 'Root': "In hell your worship, I'm a Radical, give me leave to present—you a list of a few of my best friends"; the flag is directed towards the parson, at whose feet is a book, 'Burns Justice', open at a page headed 'Treason'. On book shelves beside him are large folio volumes, three lettered: 'History of Babylon', 'History of the French Revolution', and 'History of Rebellion', the last leaning against a (cracked) terrestrial globe. Hard economic times encouraged social unrest. The end of the Napoleonic Wars in 1815 further worsened the economy and saw the return of job-seeking veterans. There was genuine fear of rebellion by the government; the Cato Street Conspiracy was a plot to murder all the British cabinet ministers and the Prime Minister Lord Liverpool in 1820, one of the leaders Arthur Thistlewood (1774–1 May 1820) may be the "radical" depicted as his name is plant like. Some of the leaders were executed, but most were transported to Australia.
BM Satires 13503.
[Ref: 58576]   £480.00  

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