❤️ Catalogue 143: just in time for Valentine's Day! ❤️
Cover: Cupid.
C. Vanloo pinx.t. C. Corbutt [Richard Purcell] fecit.
London, Printed for Rob.t Sayer, Map & Printseller; at N,,º 53 in Fleet Street [n.d., c.1765].
Very rare mezzotint with fine hand colour. 355 x 255mm (14 x 10"). Trimmed into plate at bottom, narrow margins elsewhere.
Very decorative image, Cupid stands by a rosebush, drawing his bow and aiming at the viewer, his quiver and loose arrows at his feet. A mezzotint copy of an etching, 'L'Amour menaçant' by Christian von Mechel after Carle van Loo, 1764 (BM 1875,1009.356), engraved by Richard Purcell under his pseudonym Charles Corbutt. Lennox-Boyd records it being listed in the catalogues of Sayer in 1766 & Sayer & Bennett in 1775, but we have found no other mention.
Not in CS or BM. Ex: Collection of The Hon. Christopher Lennox-Boyd.
[Ref: 65315]
We are pleased to present our listing:
Catalogue 143.
It contains just under 400 items, consisting mostly of wonderful 18th-19th century mezzotints from the collection of the Hon. Christopher Lennox-Boyd
Subjects include:
British portraits
Foreign Portraits
Decorative Items
Views UK
Views Overseas
Sports and Pastimes including Hawking
Natural History
The Hon.ble Rob.t Monckton, Major Gen.l of his Majesty's Forces, Colonel of the 17th Regt. of and Governor of Berwick.
B. West. Pinxt. I.Watson Sculpt. [William Austin][n.d. c. 1774]
Stock Ref: 65162
Painted by George Morland. Engraved by J. Dean. Published Nov.r 15.th 1787 by J. Dean Bentick Street Soho.
Stock Ref: 64870
See slso Ref: 64871
[Fox hunting set of four] Going to Cover. L'entrée du Bois. [&] Making a Cast at a Fault. Le Chiens cherchans a retrouver La Piste. [&] The Chace. La Chasse. [&] The Death of the Fox. La Mort du Reynard.
Stock Ref: 64832
Catalogue 144 shall be out lunchtime Wednesday 5th March comprising mostly of 17th century mezzotints from the ex collection of the Hon. Christopher Lennox-Boyd.
We're participating in Firsts Online: The ABA's Virtual Rare Book Fair 27th February - 2nd March.