❤️ Catalogue 143: just in time for Valentine's Day! ❤️


Cover: Cupid. 
C. Vanloo pinx.t. C. Corbutt [Richard Purcell] fecit.
London, Printed for Rob.t Sayer, Map & Printseller; at N,,º 53 in Fleet Street [n.d., c.1765].
Very rare mezzotint with fine hand colour. 355 x 255mm (14 x 10"). Trimmed into plate at bottom, narrow margins elsewhere. 
Very decorative image, Cupid stands by a rosebush, drawing his bow and aiming at the viewer, his quiver and loose arrows at his feet. A mezzotint copy of an etching, 'L'Amour menaçant' by Christian von Mechel after Carle van Loo, 1764 (BM 1875,1009.356), engraved by Richard Purcell under his pseudonym Charles Corbutt. Lennox-Boyd records it being listed in the catalogues of Sayer in 1766 & Sayer & Bennett in 1775, but we have found no other mention. 
Not in CS or BM. Ex: Collection of The Hon. Christopher Lennox-Boyd. 
[Ref: 65315

We are pleased to present our listing:
Catalogue 143.
It contains just under 400 items, consisting mostly of wonderful 18th-19th century mezzotints from the collection of the Hon. Christopher Lennox-Boyd
Subjects include:

 British portraits
Foreign Portraits
Decorative Items
Views UK
Views Overseas
Sports and Pastimes including Hawking
Natural History

Happy browsing!
A few highlights:

The Hon.ble Rob.t Monckton, Major Gen.l of his Majesty's Forces, Colonel of the 17th Regt. of and Governor of Berwick.
B. West. Pinxt. I.Watson Sculpt. [William Austin][n.d. c. 1774]
Stock Ref: 65162
Valentine's Day.
Painted by George Morland. Engraved by J. Dean. Published Nov.r 15.th 1787 by J. Dean Bentick Street Soho.
Stock Ref: 64870
See slso Ref: 64871

[Fox hunting set of four] Going to Cover. L'entrée du Bois. [&] Making a Cast at a Fault. Le Chiens cherchans a retrouver La Piste. [&] The Chace. La Chasse. [&] The Death of the Fox. La Mort du Reynard.
Stock Ref: 64832

 Catalogue 144 shall be out lunchtime Wednesday 5th March comprising mostly of 17th century mezzotints from the ex collection of the Hon. Christopher Lennox-Boyd.

We're participating in Firsts Online: The ABA's Virtual Rare Book Fair 27th February - 2nd March.

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