Christmas Catalogue 142!


Cover image: [Charles Edward Stuart.] Routed, oer Hills the young Adventurer flies, / And in a cottage sinks to this Disguise. / Fled his gay Hopes, defeated his fond Scheme, / His throne is vanish'd like a golden Dream. / By manly Thoughts He'd charm His Woes to rest: / In vain! Culloden still distracts His Breast.
J. Williams Fecit.
Mezzotint, 18th century watermark. 230 x 325mm (9 x 12¾"), with large margins. A few faint creases. Bit rubbed.
Portrait of Charles Edward Stuart, the Young Pretender (1720-1788), disguised as a woman, three-quarter length in an oval directed to right, looking towards the viewer with head turned to left, holding the frilled edge of a cap in front of him, wearing a lace-trimmed fichu and cap. J. Williams is named on the print as engraver and it is the only known work so inscribed.
Sharp: 218. CS: 1. Ex: Collection of The Hon. C. Lennox-Boyd.
[Ref: 64487]   £680.00

 We are pleased to present our listing for Christmas:
Catalogue 142.
It contains just over 350 items, consisting mostly of wonderful mezzotints, but also includes:

Decorative Items
Views UK
Views Overseas
Natural History

View the whole catalogue here

Happy browsing!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Thank you for all your support over the year.

Best wishes,
Nigel, Henrietta, Sasha and Kirsten.

A few highlights:

[Fair Head, Co. Antrim, Eagle Devouring Sheep.] [&] [Fair Head, Co. Antrim, Fox Pursuing Sheep.]
Drawn by Capt.n H.S. Davis, 52.nd Lt. Infantry. Engraved by David Lucas, 27, Westbourn St. Pimlico.
London, Published April 1836 by M.M. Holloway, 22 King William St. Strand. A Paris chez Veith et Hauser Boulevard des Italiens N.º 11.
Pair of rare & scarce mezzotints. 365 x 460mm (14¼ x 18"), with very large margins. Some spotting, nicks in edges.
A pair of views of Fair Head, a dolerite mountain cliff on the north coast of Ireland, from the east at sunset, and the west. Henry Samuel Davis was an active amateur artist while serving with the 52nd Light Infantry, which he commanded 1850-1, retiring that year as lieutenant-colonel. He exhibited at the Royal Hibernian Academy in 1833, 1835, and 1843. His father, Samuel, was a director of the East India Company; his brother, John Francis Davis, was the second governor of Hong Kong. The titles, as above, come from 'A Dictionary of Irish Artists', 1913.
Ex: Collection of The Hon. C. Lennox-Boyd.
[Ref: 64575]   £750.00

The Widow of an Indian Chief Watching the Arms of Her Deceased Husband.
Painted by J. Wright. Engravd by J R Smith, Mezzotinto Engraver to his Royal Highn.s the Prince of Wales; & his Serene Highn.s the Duke of Orleans.
Published March, 2. 1812, by Tho. Palser, Surry-side of Westminster Bridge.
Mezzotint, very fine printing in colours and hand finished. 460 x 560mm. (18 x 22"). Thread margins.
A Native American woman sitting beneath a tree stump on which her dead husband's quiver, bow, knife and axe are hung. Below is choppy water, above a stormy sky. Engraved by John Raphael Smith after Joseph Wright of Derby (1734-97). The painting, now in the Derby Museum and Art Gallery, was first exhibited in Wright's one-man show of 1785, following his break from the Royal Academy. In the catalogue that accompanied the first showing of the painting in London in 1785, Wright explained that it depicts the custom whereby the widow of a great Native American warrior would sit all day for a month beneath a memorial in the form of a tree on which were hung his weapons. Wright, as always, strove for accuracy in depicting his subject: here his source was James Adair's 'History of the American Indians' (1775), an important record of mid 18th-century life in America.
J. Egerton p.144; Frankau 375, iii of iii; O'Dench 301. Ex: Collection of The Hon. C. Lennox-Boyd.
[Ref: 64544]   £1,350.00   


[John Hayes St Leger] Colonel S.t Leger.
T. Gainsborough Pinx.t. G. Dupont Sculp.t.
Publish'd May 1783, by G. Dupont, N.º 87, Pall Mall.
Mezzotint, scratched letter proof. 660 x 455mm (23½ x 18")..
A full-length portrait of John Hayes St Leger (1756-1800), in uniform, leaning on a tree stump beside his horse. A truly magnificent impression of this rare image. General St Leger was a companion of the Prince of Wales, who commissioned this painting, which is still in the Royal Collection.
CS: 10, pre-dating the only state listed. Ex collection of the Hon. Christopher Lennox-Boyd.
[Ref: 64618]   £1,800.00  

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