Summer Solstice Listing: Catalogue 129!


Cover image: 
  A Tigress. In the Possession of the Duke of Marlborough; to whom this place is most humbly dedicated, by his Graces most dutiful & obedient Serv,t John Dixon.
G. Stubbs Pinxt. J. Dixon fecit. J. Dixon fecit.
[Publish'd according to Act of Parliament, 1st Feb.y 1773. & sold by J. Boydell Cheapside, S. Hooper Ludgate Hill, T. Bradford Fleet Street, T. Burford Bridge Street Westminster, & J. Dixon Kempe's Row, facing Ranelagh Walk (near the Whim) Chelsea.
Mezzotint. Sheet 390 x 550mm (15¼ x 21¾"). Trimmed to image on three sides, through publication line at bottom, a few marks & repairs, laid on archival tissue.
An example of Dixon's rare mezzotint rendering of the Stubbs painting of a recumbent tigress, probably the Royal Tiger in Stubbs's possession when he died. It is described in Lennox-Boyd as 'the most highly praised print after Stubbs in its day'. Impressions are rare because, according to the 'Monthly Magazine' (1806), the plate was melted in a fire at the printers. New plates were engraved by Robert Laurie and John Murphy.
Lennox-Boyd et al, George Stubbs Engraved Works 33, iv of iv.
[Ref: 60808]   £3,500.00  

We are pleased to present our Summer Solstice Listing: Catalogue 129!

It contains just under 170 items and features:

Views UK
Views Overseas
Sports and Pastimes
Decorative items
Military and Naval
Natural History

Highlights include:

[Rugby players.]
Gregorio Prieto. 1938.
[Dolphin Book Co (Tredwr) Ltd, 1938.]
Woodcut. Printed area 245 x 240mm (9¾ x 9½"), on laid paper, with large margins.
From ''Students: Oxford and Cambridge'', by Gregorio Prieto, a collection of twenty woodcuts, limited to 100 copies. Prieto (1897-1992), a Spanish avante garde artist whose work often featured homoerotica, moved to London to avoid the Spanish Civil War, only returning to Spain in 1950.
See also reference 60883.
[Ref: 60882]   £290.00   (£348.00 incl.VAT) 


The Double Humbug or the Devils Imp Praying for Peace.
Rowlandson del.
Pub.d Jan.y 1814 by R. Ackermann N.o 101 Strand.
Fine & scarce coloured etching. 245 x 350mm (10 x 13¾"), on Whatman paper.
A design in two compartments. On the left a pot-bellied Napoleon Bonaparte addresses hostile French politicians, with extracts from his speech of 18th December 1813, arguing that peace was for the benefit of France after his 'splendid victories'. Behind a winged Devil perches on his throne. On the right, he prostrates himself before the Allies (a fat John Bull, a morose-looking Spaniard; a Cossack, Austrian and a Dutchman), offering a collection of crowns, including the Pope's tiara, and a sheaf of flags, begging for peace.
BM Satires 12169, with text reproduced in full.
[Ref: 60796]   £490.00  
For more Napoleon items click here.

 Their Royal Highnesses Princess Charlotte and Prince Leopold of Saxe Coburg &c. &c. &c. in their box at Covent Garden Theatre, Drawn by Command of Her Royal Highness by George Dawe, Esq.r R.A. [and Engraved with permission by W.J. Fry.] Proof.
[n.d., c.1817.]
Scarce stipple with fine hand colour. Sheet 430 x 350mm (17 x 13¾"). Framed. Trimmed to image, title excised and pasted to back of frame, title surface rubbed, parts illegible. Unexamined out of frame.
Famous Opera image showing Princess Charlotte of Wales (1796-1817), second-in-line to the throne, with her husband, Prince Leopold (1790-1865), later King of the Belgians.
[Ref: 60855]   £590.00   

View the whole catalogue here!

Happy browsing,
Nigel, Henrietta, Sasha and Roisin.

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