Easter Extravaganza Catalogue 107 is here!

Portrait of the late extraordinary Artist, Thomas Girtin, Natus Feb.y 18. 1775 Obiit Nov. 9. 1802. To Sir George Beaumont Bar.t, One of his earliest Patrons This Print is with Permission respectfully dedicated by his very obliged & grateful Serv.t John Girtin. J.Girtin in the recent fire in Broad Str.t having lost all his property, excepting some prints & c. which with this portrait of his late Brother, he respectfully offers to a liberal Public.
Painted by John Opie Esq.r R.A. Engraved by S.W. Reynolds.
London: Pub.d May 16, 1817, by J. Girtin, Engraver, Printer &c. No 25 Old Compton Street, 3 doors from Princes Street, Soho.
Fine mezzotint. 375 x 255mm (14¾ x 10"0. Trimmed to plate.
Half-length portrait of Thomas Girtin (1775-1802), holding a porte-crayon and sketch-book. Watercolourist, friend and rival of J.M.W. Turner. , with whom he closely worked. He died aged just twenty-seven, shortly after completing his most ambitious and spectacular work, the Eidometropolis, a 360-degree panorama of London measuring over 100ft. The portrait was published by his brother John Girtin, who had just lost his stock in a fire of November 1816.
Whitman 114, i of ii, before further shading of letters of names in the inscription.
[Ref: 55670]   £360.00    

Hope all those celebrating had a happy and safe Easter!
We have the pleasure in sending out our new Catalogue 107 - a mixture of portraits, topography both Foreign and UK, satire and some maps.
We return to work for our reopening on April 12th when we will be following COVID rules. Please try and make an appointment ahead of your visit.

Happy vaccinations, keep well and we all look forward to our new freedom!

Browse the whole catalogue here.

Happy browsing and stay healthy,
Nigel, Henrietta, Sasha and Jenny

A few highlights:
[Twelve Months.] Januarius. [&] Febuarius. [&] Martius. [etc]
[Hamilton pinx. Gabrieli [& Bonato] sculp. [n.d., c.1790.]
Stock Ref: 55633
For more decorative items click here
[Martin Rychart] Engraved from a [most capital] Painting of Vandyck...
Stock Ref: 55689
For more mezzotint portraits click here
 ...This Representation of the Embarkation Of her Majesty Queen Charlotte at Stade...
Stock Ref: 55681
For more nautical scenes click here

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