Catalogue 99 is out now!

This new exciting listing of over 300 items, includes a selection of EphemeraDecorativeUK & Foreign Topography, Natural History and 17th & 18th century portraits.

Some highlights:

[Elephanta Caves] 
Painted by Ja.s Wales from a Drawing by Ja.s Forbes Esq.r. Ja.s Phillips Sculp.t. Pub.d , March 20, 1790 by James Wales.
Stock Ref: 53757

St. Paul's from Cheapside.
Published Sep.r 29th. 1797 by T.Malton.
Stock Ref: 53666
To view more Malton's click here

Joh. Henr. Biehler, Joh. Georg. II et Joh. Georg. III. Electorum Sax. Cubicular. in Dresden.
D. Richter pinx. Pet. Schenck fec: et exc: Amstelod: cum Privilegio. [n.d., c.1700.]
Stock Ref: 53349
To see more portraits click here

You can view the whole catalogue here.
Our next listing will hopefully be 3rd June.

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