Catalogue 97 is here!

This new exciting listing covers a range of different topics. It has portraits from the following categories: religious, classical, philosophers, scientists and criminals. In addition we have decorative scenes, some of which are biblical and many beautiful views of locations ranging from Cambridge University to China. There is a smattering of satire, some interesting ephemera such as land auction catalogues from Dorset and finally naval prints.

A few highlights:

S.te Genevieve...
AParis Chez Chiquet rue St Jacques au Grand S.Henry [n.d., c.1700].
Stock Ref: 53185

A Devonshire Cow.
Pub: by G. Garrard, London. July 18th. 1799.
Stock Ref: 53122
To view more Natural History prints click here

[18 Australian leaf paintings with autograph album of Edwardian musicians.]
Stock Ref: 52979
A belated happy New Year to you all!


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