
A selection of favourite tradecards, billheads and other promotional materials.

There are several interesting things about these sort of items. One is simply the descriptions of services offered, of which these are good examples:

Ladies instructed in Useful Attainments and Elegant Accomplishments

[EDUCATION] Mrs Edwards, Paragon, Black Heath. Ladies instructed in the Useful Attainments and Elegant Accomplishments. General Tuition and French … [Price List] …
[LONDON, ca.1830]
Engraved trade card, on thick paper, with greek-key and hatchwork border. 173 x 127mm. Once mounted on an album sheet, with the old glue showing slightly through in the corners.
[Ref: 5931]   £90.00   (£108.00 incl.VAT) 

A Trial will convince, her Corsets are unrivalled
[CORSETS] Mrs. Salisbury, Fashionable and Elegant Corset Maker. Mrs. S. makes it her study to fit the Figure … A Trial will convince, her Corsets are unrivalled.
[LONDON, ca. 1860]
Trade Card / carte-de-visite, printed, on card. 91 x 62mm. Excellent condition.
Address in ms. at foot: 24 Park St., Southwark.
[Ref: 6095]   £110.00   (£132.00 incl.VAT) 

Swords proved by powerful machinery

[TRADE CARD] E. Thurkle, Sword Cutler & Belt Maker 104 High Holborn (near King St.) London. Swords Proved by Powerful Machinery.
[London, c.1830.]
Engraved pictorial trade card showing lion on a rock with arms and armour lying on the ground below. Lettered to a shield; stiff card. 90 x 60mm, 3½ x 2¼". A little surface-soiled.
This appears to be Edward Thurkle, a descendant of Francis Thurkle, a very prominent London maker of swords from about 1760 to 1801, when he died. It looks like the initial has been altered to 'E' in the plate.
[Ref: 23694]   £110.00   (£132.00 incl.VAT) 

W. Taylor, Begs leave to inform the inhabitans of this place, that he has just arrived

[RAG & BONE MAN] W. Taylor, Begs leave to inform the inhabitants of this place, that he has just arrived; now his [sic] your time, ready money and the best price given for all kinds of Rags, white, Coloured, or wollen [sic]. [etc.] …
LONDON, 1841
Small, printed handbill (H. Paul, Printer, 22, Brick Lane, Spit lfields [sic].), lengthy text with 3 ornaments at the head, including the royal arms. 183 x 127mm. Excellent condition, mounted on an album leaf.
A contemporary collector has written the date at the foot, 1841.
[Ref: 5955]   £60.00   (£72.00 incl.VAT)

Another great quality is the fantastic typographical variation often used, particularly in the bold typeface used for the headings:

[GLASS BLOWING] Just Arrived from the Continent. Elegant and Fashionable Amusement. First Time in Devonport. Glass Blowing, And Working in Miniature …
PLYMOUTH, ca. 1840.
Printed flyer (‘W.W.Arless, Printer, High Street, Plymouth’), on very thin paper; royal arms in vignette. 162 x 186mm. In immaculate condition.
[Ref: 5926]   £240

[RAG & BONE MAN] J.Smith, Rag, Bone & Bottle Dealer, Orchard, opposite the Red Bull, Peckham.
[PECKHAM / LAMBETH, ca. 1843]
Half-sheet, printed (by Dailey, Printer, New Cut, Lambeth) on paper and mounted on an album sheet. 123 x 188mm.
[Ref: 5917]   £120.00   (£144.00 incl.VAT)

[STREET SWEEPERS] To the Ladies and Gentlemen of All Souls’ District.
127 x 187mm. Very good condition, mounted on an album sheet
A contemporary collector has dated this 1844.
[Ref: 5918]   £140.00   (£168.00 incl.VAT) 

 Hollis’ Celebrated Horse Liniment, For Sprains, Bruises … [etc.] …
[BOSTON, U.S.A., ca.1845?]
Small handbill, printed, with blocked ornamental border. 100 x 170mm. Excellent condition.
[Ref: 5953]   £140.00   (£168.00 incl.VAT) 

[ADVERTISEMENT/TRADE CARD] The Devil's Dyke... W. Thacker, Dyke House, Respectfully acquaints the Inhabitants and Visitors of Brighton, who purpose visiting that deservedly admired and favoured spot, the Dyke Hill, that they may at all times be supplied with Refreshments Of a choice and varied description...[etc.]
H. Penfold, Printing Works, Market Terrace, Caledonian Road, London. [n.d., c.1840.]
Letterpress broadside advertisement, sheet 250 x 185mm. 9¾ x 7¼". Folds.
A rare advertisement for accommodation, stabling and refreshment etc. at the 'Devil's Dyke', a V-shaped valley on the South Downs Way in Sussex. The principal landmarks visible from Dyke's Hill are listed. 
[Ref: 12321]   £120 (£144 incl. VAT)

And then there is the imagery- tradecards often feature well-executed views such as this one of Pisa:

 [Tradecard of Rainier Tempesti, Antiquary] Pise. Rainer Tempesti Antiquaire et Domestique
[n.d. c.1790.]
Etching. Plate 70 x 102mm. 2¾ x 4".
Tradecard for an antiquary based in Pisa.
[Ref: 25806]   £160 (£192 incl. VAT)

Sig. Tempesti understandably wanted to include Pisa's most famous view in his promotional material, just as Cologne manufacturer J.M. Farina announced his arrival in London by identifying his product with that city's famous cathedral:

290 x 225mm. In excellent clean condition, with one or two tiny tears or creases in the margins. .
[Ref: 5903]   £240

Perhaps more interestingly, tradecards and billheads often record views not recorded in other forms of print, such as the Woodhouse Quarries near Leeds:

Sheet 70 x 195mm, 2¾ x 7¾".
[Ref: 15786]   £65.00   (£78.00 incl.VAT)

But then again, maybe it's best (as modern advertising has shown ) to develop your own distinctive visual representation, something like this logos chosen by these businesses:

[HATTERS] Hoskins & Weller, Hat Manufacturers, 16 Lord Street, Liverpool.
[LIVERPOOL, ca. 1835]
Trade Card, engraved, on card.  61 x 88mm. Excellent condition; mounted.
[Ref: 6054]   £80.00   (£96.00 incl.VAT)

[HOTEL] Chrisr. Hird. Darlington … [printed bill itemization in left column].
[DARLINGTON, ca. 1835]
Engraved / printed bill, with vignette of a lamb (presumably the inn sign), framed with floral swags. 169 x 100mm. Very good condition, backed and mounted.
The bill completed in ink. Collector’s pencil date of 1836 at head.
[Ref: 6071]   £80.00   (£96.00 incl.VAT) 

And everyone loves a slogan, particularly when it's as good as 'by dyeing we live':

 Price List for Cleaning, Dyeing, & Pressing Gent.'s Suits. By Dyeing we Live.
[n.d. c.1860.]
Photo letterpress engraving. 43 x 77mm. 1¾ x 3".
[Ref: 16844]   £50.00   (£60.00 incl.VAT) 

Finally, it's always nice to find completed bills so you can see how much alkanet root and souchong tea somebody has bought:

 [TEA] Northallerton … Bot. of Robt. Hare. Wholesale & Retail Grocer Tea Dealer, and Tallow Chandler.
Engraved billhead, 105 x 163 (plate 65 x 162)mm.
Ms account to The Honble. Colonel Arden, who paid 4d for an ounce of Alkanet Root, and 3s. 3d. for half-an-ounce of Souchong Tea. Dated May 1828.
[Ref: 6063]   £180.00   (£216.00 incl.VAT)

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